Huge thanks to medical volunteers, Amy Staples (Clinical Nurse Consultant) and Kelly Lee (Theatre Nurse) for providing two weeks of training in Ethiopia, at St Peters Hospital in Addis Ababa and Ayder Hospital, a regional hospital in Mekelle.
Amy and Kelly were joined by Ethiopian nurse training specialists, Eyerusalem Amanu and Wondimagegn Tilahun in presenting 14 sessions of infection control and wound management training over 8 days.
76 nurses attended the training, which included classroom lectures and demonstrations, hands on training during operations, ward rounds and patient reviews.
“We sincerely appreciate the invaluable training provided by Amy, Kelly, Jerry, and Wonde. The sessions were highly beneficial, equipping our nurses with essential skills that will enhance patient care at Ayder Hospital”, said Dr Kahsay G/Aregawi, Head of Orthopaedics & Trauma Surgery.
ADFA acknowledges the generous support of Emirates Airline Foundation through the donation of return flights for our two Australian volunteers.