Huge thanks to medical volunteers, Dr Angus Keogh (Orthopaedic Surgeon), Sandra Langman (Theatre Nurse) and Amy Staples (Clinical Nurse Consultant) for providing two weeks of training at the Hawassa University Hospital in regional Ethiopia.
Training was the main focus for the team – to build knowledge and capacity in orthopaedics and wound management for surgeons, doctors and nurses.
Angus, assisted by Sandra, attended clinics, surgical procedures, ward rounds and consultations; presented six training sessions to 28 specialists/trainees; and completed the first Arthroscopy surgeries in Hawassa, training 3 surgeons in the procedure.
Amy and Eyerusalem Amanu, ADFA in-country nurse training specialist, provided 9 sessions of wound prevention and management training to a total of 19 nurses, and hands on training to nurses during ward rounds and patient reviews. Amy also presented to 30 surgeons and residents about negative pressure wound therapy.
We acknowledge the generous support of Emirates Airline Foundation for donating return flights for this team; Smith & Nephew and Coloplast for donating equipment and supplies; and support provided by St John of God Mt Lawley.