Michael’s Story

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Dr Michael Wren, FRACS (Ortho)

“I keep going back because I see progress every year.”
“It is very worthwhile and the help is greatly appreciated.”

Dr Michael Wren is a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at Royal Perth Hospital and St John of God Subiaco Hospital. He has been a mainstay of Orthopaedic training in Ethiopia since 2012 when we developed the first Ethiopian Orthopaedic Trauma Course in Addis Ababa. He has participated in 10 training team visits to Ethiopia.

Michael had been a volunteer in Cambodia with Dr Tim Keenan (another major contributor to Australian Doctors for Africa in Ethiopia) and is part of the Australia AO Faculty.

Michael was instrumental in introducing Dr Claude Martin from AO Alliance, leading to a long term collaboration with Australian Doctors for Africa which has developed a whole generation of dynamic leaders in Ethiopia Orthopaedics and Traumatology.

Michael is a popular personality and excellent teacher. His clear teaching points and engaging manner are always appreciated by young orthopaedic surgeons.

Photo caption: Dr Michael Wren, FRACS (Ortho)


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